B118 Echo

Pale Coral / Pale Violet

Born 14th May, 2020 at 12:00pm BST

In the wake of this tumultuous, uncertain time, the arrival of Echo can support us in finding the gold within, loving ourselves and letting go of fear.

When we look into the Pale Coral we immediately think of unrequited love and the story of Narcissus. Narcissus, well known for falling in love with his own reflection, was the object of desire of a mountain nymph, Echo. Narcissus went out hunting and when he became lost and alone he cried out for his friends 'Where are you?'. Having followed him into the woods Echo saw her opportunity to approach him however she could only repeat his words. In desperation Echo ran to Narcissus and threw herself upon him only to find her advances rejected and her love unrequited.

Many years previously Hera, wife of Zeus, had taken Echo's voice, her ability to speak in a lucid way as she was jealous of her husband's visits to the mountains and the nymphs who lived there. To avoid Hera's capture and jealous rage Zeus called upon Echo to intercept his wife with her golden tongue. When Hera realised what Echo had done she stole her voice and cursed Echo to only be able to repeat what she heard. In her actions Hera had thwarted Echo's ability to later express her love for Narcissus.

Pan, who was used to asserting himself over the nymphs or the goddesses of the time, fell deeply in love with Echo, however Echo did not feel the same way and Pan's love was also to be unrequited. Pan was so angry at her rejection he instructed his shepherds to tear Echo to pieces. Gaia, the Earth Mother, who had been witness to everything, knew everything that had happened with Hera, with Narcissus, and that had culminated with her murder at Pan's behest, had a lot of compassion towards Echo. Gaia decided to commemorate Echo and her golden voice throughout the whole of her own being. Leaving a small piece of her in every corner of the Earth, in the wind, the trees, even in dark cold caves, so wherever we hear an echo we are reminded of Gaia's compassion towards Echo, and the compassion we should have for each other and the Earth.

When we think about this Story of Echo and the unrequited love of the Pale Coral and apply that to our own situation and think about when our love is most unrequited we might see it's often within ourselves. We find it so difficult to love ourselves as we bring so much judgement to ourselves. By making that unrequited love more conscious, by showing more compassion to ourselves and suspending the judgement of ourselves, then we might become more conscious in the relationship with ourselves. Judgement happens all too easily, it happens all too frequently and in that judgement we deny so much of ourselves, and we become fragmented.

I feel that with Echo there is a synchronicity and a deepening of the process that began with Pan; with Pan we found an empowerment as the spirit in nature. Now Pan has another aspect, what we see in this bottle and the fragmentation of Echo is the potential of resolution.

The resolution comes in so many levels: the Pale Violet has always been a deep level of transmutation. This transmutation associated with the Master, St Germain, but it is also a transmutation at a cellular level. This situation that humanity's been facing has a deceptive quality along with its own reality because of the fear that has been generated around something which is the opposite of the Pale Violet, the Yellow, that fear, in its intense form has almost spread like a plague across the world. This fear has become a global phenomenon, as media, social media, all of the different ideas and opinions that have been expanded through all of these mediums and with all the different views that have gone along with it; the fear has been compounded. The collective fear has touched almost everyone and the Pale Violet, the opposite of the Yellow, offers the antidote.

In this combination, the 119th Equilibrium bottle, we're also reminded very clearly how important it is to come to the Star within ourselves. Each of us have within ourselves a blueprint, a blueprint which is very much about why it is that we came, what it is that we're for and the way that it is that we're to do, what we're to do. Echo has arrived on the 14th May 2020 and if we bring the whole of the number 14 together we get the 5. With this 5 and May itself being a 5 we have 10, two 10s, 20, it's another 4, a 2/20. 10/4 - double 14, clear/gold that really makes it a bottle to remind us to make conscious our Star, to make conscious the gold within us. Part of the story of Echo and what made Hera take Echo's voice and confine the golden tongued nymph to repeat only the words of others , was to do with Echo speaking from the gold within and how that was what had attracted Zeus and made her something of his muse. That gold is something that is very important in relation to the birth of this bottle, not apparent in the colours but certainly something that's apparent through the numerology.

The Pale Coral over Pale Violet, is an inversion of Sandalphon, which in itself is like an echo of something that's gone before. Equilibrium bottle 98 is a reminder of Margaret, Vicky's partner and how through her humility and support she was able to do so much to help Aura-Soma to exist in the world, to help Aura-Soma to be what it is today. I always think about the fact that I was with Vicky for seven years and Margaret lived for seven years after Vicky's passing, in this way I had Vicky's support for seven years and then that support lived on through Margaret for another seven years. I think that 14 is not insignificant in relation to where we are now and the energy of this time which was sort of predicted by Vicky in the early years, a time that Aura-Soma would be more necessary than it has ever been before. This year, 2020, contains a repetition of the number of Equilibrium 20 'Star Child' it seems more than coincident that the return journey of the Star Child is 98, Sandalphon.

Looking at the numerology of 118 we might also see a doorway to the light body, the 11/8. We look at the 11 as a doorway or a gate for the 8 to come through, and remember that the 8 is the single digit that derives from the words Aura-Soma (light-body). It's really profound that this has come to be at this time particularly as it also comes to be a 10 (2 + 8 = 10). For Aura-Soma, 10 is always 'as we plant so shall we reap' (karma) and 'go hug a tree'.

Our caring, warmth, compassion and love can make a difference within the space generated outside ourselves which we name 'fear'. We've always said love and fear can't exist in the same space; increasing our awareness of this and the growth of the light body become an antidote for what is happening at this time.

With Love and Light

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